2010年10月27日 星期三
讀書心得 夠了 enough
書的封面寫的是"基金之神John Bogle寫給中產階級的快樂致富學"。
2010年10月14日 星期四
CXR 筆記 Pulmonary nodules
skin tumor
rib enostosis
pulmonary nodule
intelobar effusion
pleural tumor
Pulmonary nodules
1. Neoplastic: carcinoma, metastasis, lymphoma
2. Infection: TB, aspergillosis, septic emboli,
3. Connective tissue disorder: rheumatoid nodule (wax and wane)
4. vascular: AVM (lobulated mass, feeding and draining vessel)
5. Pneumoconiosis, sarcoidosis (bilateral hilar lymph node enlargement) . ...
資料來源: Radiology of chest disease
1. Right A-V malformation
2. Bilateral bronchiectasis with partial LLL collapse
3. Old TB, Bilateral, with RUL mycetoma
4. a. Pulmonary TB with left hydropneumothorax
b. Right perihilar lung cancer with lymphadenopathy
5. Right pneumothorax with tracheostomy, CVP insertion and lower lung infiltrations
6. Pulmonary embolism with infarction (decrease in left lung markings)
7. Right subphrenic abscess, right skin fold
8. Right middle lobe collapse, left skin fold
9. Tracheal tumor
10. Reconstruction, RUL TB
11. Sarcoidosis (hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy)
12. LUL collapse (Endobronchial TB)
13. Pancoast tumor with right 3rd rib destruction, right pleural thickening
14. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
15. Left pneumothorax, LAM
16. Osteochondroma
17. Pulmonary sequestration, left (lesions with air-cysts)
18. Pulmonary cryptococcosis
19. Diffuse panbronchiolitis
20. Achalasia
21. Right cervical rib
22. LA myxoma with acute pulmonary edema
23. Neurofibromatosis
24. Pneumoconiosis
25. Sarcular bronchiectasis
26. Congestive heart falilure (cardiomeagly, pleural effusion)
27. Aortic dissection
28. Lung cancer with pericardial effusion, left pleural effusion and mediastinal lymphadenopathy.
29. Pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema
30. Anterior mediastinal tumor (thymoma)
31. Esophageal Ca
32. Hiatal hernia 33. Esophageal Ca with lung metastasis