
2012年9月28日 星期五

Bronchoscopy 發展 日本行有感

這次到日本的St. Marianna University School of Medicine (聖マリアンナ医科大学病院) 與 Kurimoto 教授學習
搜尋 pubmed : 
共有40篇文章"而已" (有些還可能只是同名..)

但 Kurimoto 教授或其他日本地區的bronchoscope確實領先台灣甚多(如下描述)。

Chest. 2002 Dec;122(6):1887-94.
Analysis of the internal structure of peripheral pulmonary lesions using endobronchial ultrasonography
Dr. Kurimoto 在2002年發表的文章,他從1996年就開始做EBUS,使用Olympus的 miniature probe (external diameter 2.5 or 2.0mm)

Chest. 2006 Oct;130(4):1191-7.
Differentiating peripheral pulmonary lesions based on images of endobronchial ultrasonography.

Chest. 2007 Sep;132(3):922-9. Epub 2007 Jul 23.
Diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer with three echoic features via endobronchial ultrasound.

Respirology. 2009 Aug;14(6):859-64.
Factors influencing visibility and diagnostic yield of transbronchial biopsy using endobronchial ultrasound in peripheral pulmonary lesions.
如台灣2009這一篇的結論是:越大的tumor越容易biopsy(以20mm來分大或小),越peripheral 的tumor越不容易biopsy

Chest. 2004 Sep;126(3):959-65.
Endobronchial ultrasonography using a guide sheath increases the ability to diagnose peripheral pulmonary lesions endoscopically.
但 Dr. Kurimoto 在2004年發表的,使用1.7mm EBUS + guide sheath 就已經可以取到小於10mm lesion by bronchoscopy。

TBLB failure or too small ---- CT guided or surgical intervention TBLB failure原因 ---- small size? ---- 發展更小的 EBUS + guide sheath ---- adjacent to lesion? ---- 使用器械變成within

Chest. 2009 Jul;136(1):229-36. Epub 2008 Sep 23. Endobronchial ultrasonography-guided transbronchial needle aspiration increases the diagnostic yield of peripheral pulmonary lesions: a randomized trial.
高雄長庚所發表,用TBNA在adjacent lesion. 所以就診斷性氣管鏡來說,台灣落後日本至少5年?

這剛好就是「亡台從五年五百億開始」一文提到的:「五年五百億卻用SCI 和 SSCI 綁架了所有優秀的學者,不許他們研究真正台灣需要的技術。」的反面例子。


Bronchoscopy International  

2015-8-27 update:

This time, we visited Japan hospital for learning bronchoscopy again. Their technology advanced than 3 years ago. EBUS-TBNA is a easy method and is routinely practiced. Pathologic tissue could always be obtained. Besides, GGO is also routinely be obtained by TBLB.

Radial endobronchial ultrasound images for ground-glass opacity pulmonary lesions.

The diagnostic value of histology and cytology samples during endobronchial ultrasound with a guide sheath

Endobronchial ultrasound elastography in the diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes.

