Archive for 5月 2011

CXR 胸部x光判讀 malignant mesothelioma

Nonpleuritic chest pain
40% thrombocytosis
unilateral pleural effusion or thickening

Rind-like pleural involvement,
mediastinal pleural involvement,
pleural nodularity
pleural thickness more than 1 cm

need IHC stain for diagnosis from metastatic adenocarcinoma 
2011年5月25日 星期三
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang

吸入型藥物 整理

Inhaled Corticosteroids

Peter J. Barnes Pharmaceuticals 2010, 3, 514-540

1. Inhaled corticosteroid: 增加 β2 receptor gene transcription,避免使用LABA後的down-regulation,prevention β agonist tolerance。
2. β2 agonist 增加 translocation of GR from cytoplasm to the nucleus,增加抗發炎的效果



H1 receptor: bronchoconstriction
H2 receptor: mucus secretion
H3 receptor: mediate modulation of cholinergic and sensory nerve.
LTD4: eosinophilic inflammation (asthma)
LTB4: chemotactic agent for neutrophil (COPD)

Leukotrience modifier
Zileuton: blocks 5-lipoxygenase (arachadonic acid to LTA4)
Montelukast: inhibit leukotrienes receptor, block LTD4 ( and LTC4, LTE4), use in aspirin induced asthma

MDI 使用
shake 5 secs --- inhal deep and slow --- hold breath 4-10 secs
缺點:需要 deep and slow breath, hand-breath coordination
使用spacer 增加lung deposition。不可連按兩下以上,按兩下效果小於一下。spacer不需每次清洗。


DPI 使用
inhal quickly and deeply (2-3 secs) --- hold breath
優點:不需hand-breath coordination. Lung deposition最佳。
缺點:需要足夠 peak inspiratory flow, turbuhaler 會潮溼


Balancing the benefits and risks of inhaled long-acting beta-agonists- The influence of values

N Engl J Med 2009; 360:1592-1595

The FDA and Safe Use of Long-Acting Beta-Agonists in the Treatment of Asthma

N Engl J Med 2010; 362:1169-1171
使用 LABA 會增加 asthma-related death,如果真的需要使用在asthma control ,建議用fixed-dose combination product

Xolair is effective in allergics with a low serum IgE level.

Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2010;152(1):71-74
Heat and moisture exchanger

Reference: Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 5th ed.
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang

CXR 胸部x光判讀 pulmonary embolism

Left lung oligemia (Westermark sign)

pulmonary embolism in left pulmonary artery

pulmonary infarction

1. Only 10% involve the upper lobe
2. pulmonary infarction 10-15%, wedge-shaped
3. Westermark’s sign (focal oligemia) Palla’s sign (prominent right descending pulmonary artery)
4. Pleural effusion
5. Elevated the diaphram

References: Radiology of Chest Diseases
2011年5月21日 星期六
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang

CXR 胸部x光判讀 aortic dissection

Type A aortic dissection

After operation

Widened superior mediastinum, double aortic knob,displaced intimal calcification

DD with aortic aneurysm, mediastinal tumor, tortuosity of aorta

aortic dissection
2011年5月17日 星期二
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang


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