Archive for 4月 2011

pulmonary edema 區分cardiogenic pulmonary edema or acute lung injury

Determining the Etiology of Pulmonary Edema by the Edema Fluid-to-Plasma Protein Ratio

使用 suction catheter 到distal airway, 取得edema fluid
再測 edema fluid 和plasma 的total protein

EF/PL ratio > 0.84 favor acute lung injury
EF/PL ratio > = 0.65 higher mortality
2011年4月26日 星期二
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang

CXR 胸部x光判讀 thoracic cysts

Lung cancer with anterior mediastinal cyst

Sharply marginated homogeneous opacity

DD: mediastinal cystic tumor

Anterior mediastinal mass

2011年4月23日 星期六
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang

CXR 胸部x光判讀 Pneumoconiosis

Coal miner

Pneumoconiosis (磁磚工人)

Silicosis (silica): risk for TB, lung cancer, COPD, connective tissure disease
coal: risk for COPD, chronic bronchitis
Asbesto: risk for malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer

Silicoproteinosis: high-resolution CT findings in 13 patients.

acute silicosis: 像 pulmonary alveolar proteinosis

Symptoms: dyspnea, weight loss, weakness, cough (維基百科)
2011年4月21日 星期四
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang

Lung cancer 整理

2011年4月13日 星期三
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang

CXR 胸部x光判讀 Diffuse panbronchiolitis

Diffuse small nodular shadows

male, nonsmoker, chronic sinusitis

use macrolide to decrease IL-8



Goodpasture's syndrome: HLA DRB1*1501,  HLA-DR15, HLA-DR4, HLA DR2,

myasthenia gravis: HLA-DR3, B8, A1  
2011年4月7日 星期四
Posted by Chih-Hao Chang


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