Archive for 8月 2011
Pneumothorax in chest echo
Right lung
Left lung M-mode showed stratosphere sign
TB with hydropneumothorax
Curtain sign: hydropneumothorax
Ultrasonographic approach to diagnosing hydropneumothorax
Chest. 1992 Apr;101(4):931-4
needle aspiration 也可用在 spontaneous pneumothorax
A randomized controlled trial comparing minichest tube and needle aspiration inoutpatient management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax
Am J Emerg Med. 2011 Nov;29(9):1152-7
Aspiration versus tube drainage in primary spontaneous pneumothorax: a randomised study
Eur Respir J. 2006 Mar;27(3):477-82
整理 4
Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula最多為EA with distal TEF (87%)
Corrosive injury 1. acid: coagulative necrosis
2. alkaline: liquefaction necrosis
achalasia: esophageal aperistalsis,LES 壓力大。
nutcracker esophagus: coordinated, 但壓力大
Diffuse esophageal spasm: contractions are uncoordinated
Legionella pneumonia
GNB, 潛伏期2-10天, Gram stain有pus cells而無細菌......
Reexpasion lung edema: increase lung vascular permeability, high protein edema fluid
Pulmonary function tests:
Nitrogen washout: 測FRC, TLC 低估 in obstructive lung disease
Helium dilution: 測FRC, 低估TLC in airtrapping
Body plethysmography: 測FRC, If panting too rapid 會高估 TLC
Nitrogen washout/washin, helium dilution and computed tomography in the assessment of end expiratory lung volume
group1: 229E, NL63
group2: HuCoV-SARS
CXR: interstitial
Diagnosis: 血清titer 增加4倍
Treatment: tetracycline, macrolide..., for 2 weeks
Terminal bronchiole = membranous bronchiole
1. 0.15 - 0.2 mm
2. no cartilage, seromucinous gland, goblet cell.
Reference: Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 5th ed.