Archive for 9月 2012
Bronchoscopy 發展 日本行有感
這次到日本的St. Marianna University School of Medicine (聖マリアンナ医科大学病院) 與 Kurimoto 教授學習
搜尋 pubmed :[Author]
共有40篇文章"而已" (有些還可能只是同名..)
但 Kurimoto 教授或其他日本地區的bronchoscope確實領先台灣甚多(如下描述)。
Chest. 2002 Dec;122(6):1887-94.
Analysis of the internal structure of peripheral pulmonary lesions using endobronchial ultrasonography
Dr. Kurimoto 在2002年發表的文章,他從1996年就開始做EBUS,使用Olympus的 miniature probe (external diameter 2.5 or 2.0mm)
Chest. 2006 Oct;130(4):1191-7.
Differentiating peripheral pulmonary lesions based on images of endobronchial ultrasonography.
Chest. 2007 Sep;132(3):922-9. Epub 2007 Jul 23.
Diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer with three echoic features via endobronchial ultrasound.
Respirology. 2009 Aug;14(6):859-64.
Factors influencing visibility and diagnostic yield of transbronchial biopsy using endobronchial ultrasound in peripheral pulmonary lesions.
如台灣2009這一篇的結論是:越大的tumor越容易biopsy(以20mm來分大或小),越peripheral 的tumor越不容易biopsy
Chest. 2004 Sep;126(3):959-65.
Endobronchial ultrasonography using a guide sheath increases the ability to diagnose peripheral pulmonary lesions endoscopically.
但 Dr. Kurimoto 在2004年發表的,使用1.7mm EBUS + guide sheath 就已經可以取到小於10mm lesion by bronchoscopy。
TBLB failure or too small ---- CT guided or surgical intervention TBLB failure原因 ---- small size? ---- 發展更小的 EBUS + guide sheath ---- adjacent to lesion? ---- 使用器械變成within
Chest. 2009 Jul;136(1):229-36. Epub 2008 Sep 23. Endobronchial ultrasonography-guided transbronchial needle aspiration increases the diagnostic yield of peripheral pulmonary lesions: a randomized trial.
高雄長庚所發表,用TBNA在adjacent lesion. 所以就診斷性氣管鏡來說,台灣落後日本至少5年?
這剛好就是「亡台從五年五百億開始」一文提到的:「五年五百億卻用SCI 和 SSCI 綁架了所有優秀的學者,不許他們研究真正台灣需要的技術。」的反面例子。
Bronchoscopy International
2015-8-27 update:
This time, we visited Japan hospital for learning bronchoscopy again. Their technology advanced than 3 years ago. EBUS-TBNA is a easy method and is routinely practiced. Pathologic tissue could always be obtained. Besides, GGO is also routinely be obtained by TBLB.
Radial endobronchial ultrasound images for ground-glass opacity pulmonary lesions.
The diagnostic value of histology and cytology samples during endobronchial ultrasound with a guide sheath
Endobronchial ultrasound elastography in the diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes.
Analysis of the internal structure of peripheral pulmonary lesions using endobronchial ultrasonography
Dr. Kurimoto 在2002年發表的文章,他從1996年就開始做EBUS,使用Olympus的 miniature probe (external diameter 2.5 or 2.0mm)
Chest. 2006 Oct;130(4):1191-7.
Differentiating peripheral pulmonary lesions based on images of endobronchial ultrasonography.
Chest. 2007 Sep;132(3):922-9. Epub 2007 Jul 23.
Diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer with three echoic features via endobronchial ultrasound.
Respirology. 2009 Aug;14(6):859-64.
Factors influencing visibility and diagnostic yield of transbronchial biopsy using endobronchial ultrasound in peripheral pulmonary lesions.
如台灣2009這一篇的結論是:越大的tumor越容易biopsy(以20mm來分大或小),越peripheral 的tumor越不容易biopsy
Chest. 2004 Sep;126(3):959-65.
Endobronchial ultrasonography using a guide sheath increases the ability to diagnose peripheral pulmonary lesions endoscopically.
但 Dr. Kurimoto 在2004年發表的,使用1.7mm EBUS + guide sheath 就已經可以取到小於10mm lesion by bronchoscopy。
TBLB failure or too small ---- CT guided or surgical intervention TBLB failure原因 ---- small size? ---- 發展更小的 EBUS + guide sheath ---- adjacent to lesion? ---- 使用器械變成within
Chest. 2009 Jul;136(1):229-36. Epub 2008 Sep 23. Endobronchial ultrasonography-guided transbronchial needle aspiration increases the diagnostic yield of peripheral pulmonary lesions: a randomized trial.
高雄長庚所發表,用TBNA在adjacent lesion. 所以就診斷性氣管鏡來說,台灣落後日本至少5年?
這剛好就是「亡台從五年五百億開始」一文提到的:「五年五百億卻用SCI 和 SSCI 綁架了所有優秀的學者,不許他們研究真正台灣需要的技術。」的反面例子。
Bronchoscopy International
2015-8-27 update:
This time, we visited Japan hospital for learning bronchoscopy again. Their technology advanced than 3 years ago. EBUS-TBNA is a easy method and is routinely practiced. Pathologic tissue could always be obtained. Besides, GGO is also routinely be obtained by TBLB.
Radial endobronchial ultrasound images for ground-glass opacity pulmonary lesions.
The diagnostic value of histology and cytology samples during endobronchial ultrasound with a guide sheath
Endobronchial ultrasound elastography in the diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes.
201209 日本遊感想
週六到鎌倉 Kamakura 玩,就理性面來說
鎌倉大佛 ==== 八掛山大佛
江之電 ==== 台鐵區間車
鎌倉小町通 ==== 大溪老街
再來,日本是內需大國 (若歐盟算一區的話排第四位),所以日本可以專注於本國消費需求即可,即使觀光景點的標示都是日文居然(當然很多地方也有英語或中文),但他們主要的對象還是本國人。在東京上班時間擠過火車的就知道非常可怕,即使晚上9點10點,車站的人潮還是很多,所以我看 East Japan Railway Company, Odakyu Electric Railway 這些大概都賺翻了。台灣沒辦法只靠內需(只有房地產?),所以方向弄錯就很慘,一下說要擴大內需,一下又要拼出口量。
鎌倉大佛 ==== 八掛山大佛
江之電 ==== 台鐵區間車
鎌倉小町通 ==== 大溪老街
再來,日本是內需大國 (若歐盟算一區的話排第四位),所以日本可以專注於本國消費需求即可,即使觀光景點的標示都是日文居然(當然很多地方也有英語或中文),但他們主要的對象還是本國人。在東京上班時間擠過火車的就知道非常可怕,即使晚上9點10點,車站的人潮還是很多,所以我看 East Japan Railway Company, Odakyu Electric Railway 這些大概都賺翻了。台灣沒辦法只靠內需(只有房地產?),所以方向弄錯就很慘,一下說要擴大內需,一下又要拼出口量。